What started out as a basis for science fiction novels and movies quickly became a part of our daily lives with the advent of the iPhone’s Face ID screen unlock feature. Even facial recognition technology has already made its way into financial transactions. For example, ApplePay verifies your identity through facial recognition to confirm transactions. And most banking and financial apps on the iPhones require some sort of biometric authentication to login, some allowing you to login without a password.  Well, Apple definitely is a rock star. But let’s talk about facial recognition in case of video surveillance use.

And before facial recognition technology was essential in our personal lives, it was first used for access control, public safety, and business operations.

Cloud video analytics demand

Video surveillance systems equipped with smart video analytics are considered to be a highly beneficial tool for businesses. These advanced systems enable companies to significantly enhance their overall security levels. Moreover, they allow organizations to transform their video surveillance infrastructure into valuable assets that can drive business optimization and improved operations.
Statistics also presents the perceptiveness of video analytics service. The video analytics market size is expected to grow from USD 8.3 billion in 2023 to USD 22.6 billion by 2028 at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 22.3%, according to data from ResearchAndMarkets.com.

At a time when everything is becoming a service (EaaS, XaaS), Telecom operators have the opportunity to leverage these video analytics capabilities and offer comprehensive cloud-based multi-service offerings to their B2B clients. By providing access to extensive video analytics and surveillance functionalities from their cloud infrastructure, telecom providers can deliver a compelling solution to B2B subscribers. This gives the businesses the ability to take advantage of these advanced video analytics capabilities and realize the associated benefits.

One of the most widely implemented video analytics use cases is facial recognition technology. Facial recognition can provide the following:  

  • substantial cost savings for businesses through enhanced security
  • improved operational efficiency
  • personalized customer experiences
  • reduced fraudulent transactions
  • streamlined access management
  • enhanced regulatory compliance
  • reduced staffing costs.

By leveraging this technology, businesses can not only protect their assets but also optimize their operations and drive long-term financial benefits.

Requirements and challenges of implementing facial recognition

It should be noted, for facial recognition, some challenges exist before full implementation.

  1. Camera Guidelines and Requirements: Cameras need to meet specific guidelines on image quality, viewing angles, and infrared illumination to ensure accurate facial recognition – all for accuracy.
  2. Privacy Concerns: When fingerprint scanners were first introduced, there were some concerns and claims about giving up your fingerprints so easily. It is personal information. That’s why facial recognition’s ability to identify individuals in public spaces and track their movements has raised questions about surveillance and personal privacy. 
  3. Data Security and Leaks: A breach of a facial recognition database could lead to the misuse of personal biometric data on a large scale, necessitating robust data protection measures.
  4. Environmental Conditions: Variations in lighting, shadows, and other environmental factors can affect the accuracy of facial recognition systems, requiring highly adaptive software.
  5. Facial Occlusion: Factors like hats, glasses, beards, and masks can impact the accuracy of facial recognition, requiring additional training of neural networks.
  6. Diversifying Databases: Ensuring facial recognition systems are trained on diverse datasets covering different genders, races, and age groups is crucial for detailed and accurate recognition.
  7. Liveness Detection: Implementing features like eye and attention tracking is important to prevent spoofing and ensure the system is not being fooled by images or other means.
  8. Hybrid Solutions: Combining facial recognition with human oversight at certain checkpoints can help ensure accurate identification and consent.

While facial recognition poses great benefits to security and efficiency, it needs to be implemented correctly. With powerful processing deep learning  that is embedded in the software platforms architecture for cloud video analytics service  none of these issues are prevalent. Unlimited processing power coupled with video streaming means users  don’t have to worry about technical difficulties.

Cloud-based solutions bring the agility and scalability to adjust to shifting demands with ease. All the nitty-gritty of preserving a strong infrastructure, guaranteeing peak performance, and scaling resources to meet your growing needs? That’s the service provider. And that lets users dial in their goals, relieving the burden of infrastructure management.

Benefits of using facial recognition

One of the key benefits of smart video surveillance with facial recognition is the ability to automatically identify people in real-time. This powerful capability allows organizations to better allocate personnel and resources, leading to reduced response times and lower long-term operational costs. For example, the system can provide instant alerts when a pre-defined VIP or restricted individual enters a facility, enabling security staff to proactively assist the VIP or intercept the unauthorized person.

Facial recognition also plays a crucial role in optimizing business operations and security. The technology can analyze customer movement patterns, dwell times, and interactions, providing valuable insights into shopping behaviors and preferences. This data can inform important decisions around store layout, merchandising, and targeted marketing strategies. Additionally, the system can identify known shoplifters or suspicious individuals, alerting staff to potential threats and deterring criminal activity, reducing losses and improving overall security.

In the event of an emergency or security incident, facial recognition can quickly identify individuals involved and provide critical information to first responders, facilitating a more effective and coordinated response. This capability can be particularly valuable in high-risk environments, such as schools, hospitals, or government facilities, where proactive security measures are paramount.

Furthermore, facial recognition can be integrated with access control systems to provide frictionless and secure entry for authorized personnel, improving convenience and compliance with safety protocols.

Most Common Use Cases of Facial Recognition by Industry Niches

The most beneficial use cases of facial recognition technology can be seen in how it has been implemented across various industries.

Facial recognition functionality in retail offers significant advantages from both business and security perspectives. From the business side, the technology enables the identification of returning customers for personalized service and promotions, integrates loyalty programs seamlessly, and accelerates the checkout process, reducing queues and enhancing the shopping experience. In terms of security, facial recognition helps prevent theft by identifying known offenders and alerting security personnel in real-time, controls access to restricted areas and verifies employee identities, and speeds up incident investigations through accurate video footage analysis.

In the hospitality industry, facial recognition can revolutionize the guest experience. Hotels can leverage this technology to offer a seamless, futuristic check-in process. By instantly recognizing guests upon arrival, hotels can provide a personalized welcome, streamline the check-in procedure, and even automatically adjust room settings based on individual preferences, all without the need for a traditional hotel front desk. This level of personalization and convenience can significantly enhance guest satisfaction and set the hotel apart from its competitors.

In the healthcare industry, facial recognition is commonly used for patient identification, ensuring accurate patient management and treatment by reducing errors. It also enhances security by controlling access to sensitive areas and monitoring staff attendance to ensure compliance with working hours. These applications improve operational efficiency and the overall quality of care.

Patient identification with facial recognition technology

The banking and finance sector utilizes facial recognition to prevent fraud and unauthorized access by verifying identities during transactions. It ensures secure access to banking facilities and sensitive information while streamlining customer verification processes in branches. This technology significantly enhances security and customer trust.

Identity verification with facial recognition technology

In corporate and workplace settings, video surveillance with facial recognition ensures secure access to buildings, offices, and sensitive areas. It automates timekeeping and attendance tracking for employees, enhancing overall workplace security by monitoring and controlling access points efficiently.

Access control with facial recognition technology

The integration of facial recognition technology is clearly a growing trend across various industries. While biometric security methods like retina scanning may not yet be widely adopted, facial recognition has demonstrated near-perfect accuracy under the right conditions. The data generated from facial recognition systems can be further leveraged to obtain valuable statistical insights, which can then be integrated into other business systems to drive process optimization and enhance operational efficiency. As organizations continue to explore the potential of this transformative technology, Telco can unlock new opportunities to differentiate their offerings to stay ahead of evolving trends by offering their customers the full benefits of implementing facial recognition as a cloud service.

Leveraging the Aipix solution

Aipix, as a VAS solution for telecom operators, supports facial recognition as one of the possible use cases for telecom cloud video analytics services. Aipix platform enables real-time notifications, sound alerts, and instant messages to be delivered directly to the mobile devices of customers. This gives telecom subscribers complete awareness and the ability to respond quickly to critical events captured by the video surveillance system. The Aipix solution offers a range of features that make it a compelling choice not just for facial recognition, but generally for providing advanced video analytics service to telecom subscribers.

One key advantage of the Aipix platform is its flexibility. Platform can work with any RTSP video stream that meets the quality requirements of the deployment. Additionally, the Aipix Telecom Platform stands out for its scalability and fault tolerance. These characteristics make it well-suited for powering cloud-based video surveillance services with video analytics capabilities offered by telecom providers to their customers.