SP Wins Major Enterprise Client and Boosts Revenue by 32% with Cloud Video Surveillance The Setting Enterprises with multiple locations…
Description In a groundbreaking project, a leading telecom operator in Central Asia overhauled the cloud based video surveillance infrastructure for…
Smart Cities: Problems, Solutions, Technology, and Positive Impact As the world urbanises rapidly, cities face mounting challenges like traffic congestion,…
In the early days of video surveillance, the setup was often cumbersome and inflexible, involving static cameras tethered to limited…
Listening to this episode you will hear compelling reasons why partnership with VSaaS Software Providers is reasonable and prospective for…
Aipix Telecom VSaaS Platform is a cutting-edge solution for Telecoms and Cloud Service Providers. Great variety of key features and…
Aipix values reliability and trustworthiness. So we make sure that Telecom keeps customers’ data safe and secure while using our…
One of the significant VSaaS benefit is Multitenancy. Multitanancy is serving multiple customers through a single instance of platform. Even…
Demand for video surveillance is gradually increasing, that’s why VSaaS becomes a great opportunity for telecom operators and service providers…